You can easily make friends just because you can easily talk them about anything. Think about it, most relationships gets a jump start just because of a little small talk.
That next friend you meet is just a small talk away if you think about it. Even in the professional world, learning to be great at making small talk will help you. There are some things you can do to improve your small talk skills.
Sure, it means a lot of practice and doing this will improve all your conversational skills. If you want to improve and master making small talk, just read along.
Surely, you've realized that one of the best way to improve is just conversing with people of all ages. Talking to your neighbour is really a good exercise for this since you don't have to go very far. It doesn't have to be anyone specific or even young for that matter. If you happen to meet some tourists, go ahead and talk to them. Nothing beats practice with a stranger you don't know.
Get inspiration from newspapers, cookbooks and magazines of things to talk about to make small talk sexy. Anything you can get your hands on can be a good source of things to talk about.
Other great sources of small talk topics include television, music, sports, and fashion. Spend some time on the internet reading about the type of people you want to meet. If you hear something funny or someone told you a good story, keep a note of it. Think of the beautiful places you see, even misunderstandings you have can be a good opening line.
Practice those opening lines in the mirror and talk about random topics. All the various things you know will help you greatly with making small talk happen.
If you know a lot of things, you can talk about a lot of things. Just make sure you're making yourself open for small talk and keep your eyes and ears open. You can talk to people every time you're in a line and waiting for your turn. Create a situation for yourself where you'll get to talk to a lot of girls. You can accept invitation to parties or host one yourself. Don't be too forceful and face the person you want to talk to. Making your body language open and approachable should help you with this.
Make eye contact and give her the attention and intention that you want to talk to her. You can be excited to talk to her but you can't be too over eager about it. You don't want to scare her away by overwhelming her and leaning in too close.
If you already know her, you can just say hello and say her name. Being direct works this way and avoid making things complicated for yourself. But for most of the girls you don't know, start with a confident introduction of yourself. When she gives you her name, you can make her feel special by repeating it when you talk to her. Actually talk to her when you're talking to her.
Give her the attention she deserves. When you're exchanging information, keep it light and positive.
It's great when you can accomplish that with just about anyone you can talk to, really. She'll be able to enjoy the conversation more and keep it going when you can do just that. Anything that's negative in nature will probably turn her off so don't go there if you can. Make sure your day doesn't interfere with you making small talk with her especially when it's not going too good. When you can't think of anything to say, blurt out a compliment that's true.
When it doesn't lead anywhere, a good compliment still makes her feel good about herself so it's all good. You should always be looking for something in common with her but don't force it.
If she likes something and you like something then that's a good enough reason to talk about it. It can be something that she can relate to and make a connection with. Even when you think it's not a good topic, you never know where it can lead you. When you can find a common interest, keep to it.
Share something personal about yourself and elaborate on what you really mean to say. But don't make it too personal just yet if you don't want to freak her out. Now that you're talking about yourself, it's time to let her talk about herself.
Questions are always a good way to know more about her when you need to.
Again, don't ask anything that's considered too personal like health, religion, or political views. Just remember to keep it light and funny and good. Talk about what she likes to do or what she likes in general.
When she's done talking, you can then continue on with another question or just a funny remark about her reply. Be sure you're not asking her too many a question that it's making her uncomfortable. You don't want to make her feel like she's being interrogated for something she didn't do.
Let her breath some air for a while and maintain a good balance with your questions. You can have some time to think about your next move when she's talking and you're just listening. Most of all, you should never forget to listen. Really listen to what she's really saying and really understand her every word.
This can help you find more things to talk about and lead the conversation to something more fun. Keep your ears open for anything that might lead you to discover something new about her. Don't worry about talking too much just don't forget to listen. You can make people keep on talking and talking if you can just listen to them.
Letting others tell their own opinion will improve the quality of the discussion. Before you part ways, you'll know more things about her than most people do about you.
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